Sunday, February 17, 2013

"Ya Gotta Keep Your Head Up"

Ooh-oh, so you can let hair down!  Did you sing the title?  I couldn't help it.  But that's where I'm at right now, singing to keep my head up because let's face photographers we all have "slow months".  It's really disheartening, or at least it can be if you are like me and take everything to heart.  But the thing is, I am working on that.  I have realized that sometimes you will have clients that aren't very nice, clients who think you could have done better, or sometimes you will have clients who have always came to you for their photos- go to your competition.  I am just learning to not take things so personal.  In fact, I am so happy for my competition, because this is a tough business.  We are employed by ourselves, and many of us have to have jobs on the side that we don't enjoy nearly as much as holding that camera.  So to my competitors I say- Good for you!  Seriously!  We all have ups and downs, and I honestly wish I had more friends that were in this business.  It is a much happier place to be if we can turn to each other for advice and support than to bash each other and our businesses.  I count myself lucky that I have even a few friends I could say, "Hey, what do you think this photo needs?  What is it missing?".  At the same time, I believe we need to stop comparing ourselves to each other!  We are all beautifully unique in our own ways, we all do our thing differently, and we all produce beautiful photos.  I don't think it matters if we use the same locations, the same props, or the same photoshop and photoshop tools.  Our "creative eye" sees things so differently, that the photos wouldn't look anything alike!  I have asked other photographer's where a certain location is, and I was either ignored or told it was a "secret".  Why can we not help each other out, knowing that this business is so hard?  We all have our own STYLE, and our own way to define who we are as photographers!  My style is constantly changing!  It really depends on the subject, the location, all of it.  I may want it to be clean and crisp, or I may want it to pop with rich deep color!  I may want a vintage hazy feel, or I may want a clean black and white.  Just DO YOU.  Don't waste time worrying about what someone else is doing.  So thank you to my photogr-friends, you are such good people!  If we don't really know each other, and you ever want to ask me anything or need any advice don't be afraid to ask me!  I love making new friends!