Monday, June 24, 2013

Bridal Trivia!

I've been to tons of bridal showers where they play this game, and I really wanted to play it for my best friends bachelorette but I wanted to create something she could also keep!  So here is my version!

Materials needed:  Any type of binder, the one I used was like $3 at WalMart
                              Page protectors; cost about $2 and are in the scrapbook aisle
                              Sharpie, markers, or whatever you want to write with
                             Anything you plan to decorate the book with (I used glitter, pretty paper & stickers)

Here is what it ended up looking like!  You can make yours look however you want!

I asked the groom some questions and wrote down exactly what he said.  Casey had to guess what she thought his answers would be.  If she was wrong she took a shot, and if she was right she gave out a shot to one of us!  It was SO funny!  

Here are the questions I used:
  1. When and where was your first kiss? 
  2. Where was your first date, and what did you do?  
  3. What is Casey's dream job?
  4. What turns Casey off about a man?
  5. What turns you off about a woman? 
  6. What do you think Casey's favorite memory of your relationship is? 
  7. What is your favorite memory? 
  8. What does Casey love most about you? 
  9. What do you love most about her? 
  10. How many kids do you guys want?
  11. What physical feature do you love most? 
  12. What physical feature does she love most?
  13. Who is her celebrity crush? 
  14. Who is yours? 
  15. Name "your song"  
  16. Silk, lace or leather? 
  17. House is on fire, what would you save?
  18. What would she save?  
Below are some of the photos from the bachelorette party.. We did it ALL.  We took a pole dancing class, hit up some bars on the landing, went to a strip club, went to a night club, then gambled at the casino as the sun was rising.  SO much fun!


Here's another easy gift that the bride can keep, just have all the girls kiss a piece of paper and frame it!

I also made these yummy cupcakes which we shared with numerous people!

My bestest friend!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

...beautiful all around

Love everything about these!  The locations, the lighting, and of course the people!  Proud to call them family! Love you Holly, Jake, Hailey, and Grace.