Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Best of 2012!

Smell ya later 2012!  What a great year!  I am so excited for everything 2013 has to offer! 

 I picked out my personal favorite photos of 2012, hope you enjoy!  
This photo still takes my breathe away.  I photograph so many stunning babies so it was hard to choose but I couldn't resist how squishy and new she was here! <3
Such beauty here.  Miss Oliva is a D-I-V-A!  Just sporting her mom's jacket at the end of our chilly shoot, I turned around and snapped this!
I have been so lucky to photograph this family a couple times this year, and I think we can all agree they are beyond gorgeous!
I loved everything about their big day, down to the very last detail. Beautiful couple!
I couldn't resist the way they look at each other.  Every single photo was amazing, and i am beyond excited for their wedding in June!
Okay, yeah I chose my sister!  Do you blame me?!!

Yay to one of my best friends for braving it in a bikini! So adorable!
Hands down my favorite image of the year!  They are perfection!  Can i hang this in my house? Is that weird?  Yeah- it's weird.