Thursday, May 2, 2013

Live What You Love

I posted a little bit about this, on my personal Facebook page the other day, but I wanted to explain a little further... I am so lucky to have a job I adore.  There are many people who don't have the money, support or time to pursue what they love as a career, and I just feel like I am so blessed to be able to do this everyday.  If you asked me what I loved most about myself I would say it's my artistic abilities and creativity.  Some photographers really love the "shooting" part and some really love "editing" process, but I can honestly tell you I love BOTH.  I love sweating my butt off in the heat, or freezing it off in the winter as long as I get that "shot" I am looking for.  I love sitting at my computer going through beautiful shots just letting my mind wander with ways I could edit them.  I never want to take what I do for granted.  There may be days my back is aching from hours in front of the computer, and long nights with sore feet from a wedding reception, but I will forever be grateful I am doing what I truly love!

As much as I love my job, sometimes I get to feel bummed or even bored by doing the same old thing...So here are a few photos of me on the other side of the camera.  It was so weird, I'll admit...but I wanted to let loose on the editing process and let my creative juices fly! Mostly I wanted to remind myself of why I fell in love, and I plan on doing more personal images that are just for myself from now on.  So here are the images, and thanks to my cousin Hanna for snapping them for me!  She is only 15 and just got her first DSLR!

...and of course I got some with my child..


  1. That was really neat and interesting :) Wish you the best with your career!!!
