Tuesday, May 21, 2013

...this is who I married...

So I am beyond proud of my hubby!  He got his certification to be a personal trainer about two or three months ago, and about three weeks ago he got CrossFit certified also!  Our gym The Dungeon just had our grand opening, and Tim really wanted us to have new floor in the Zumba room.  So he told the Zumba instructor if she got new floor he would come to a class, from start to finish.  Well.. she got new floors.  He was a really good sport, and probably danced better than some of the girls in the class!  He's got moves what can I say?!

Click here to watch the video!

Below is us after the class.  Notice how soaking wet he is.  It was harder than he thought! 

Here's a photo from our grand opening!  Denny and Emily have become two of our best friends!  It was Emily's class that Tim danced in! :)

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